Sea Minor, a John Welsford Navigator.

This blog is about Sea Minor. I'm not sure about the name but that is what she was been called by the man who built her and changing a boat's name is a tricky business because you have to avoid upsetting Poseidon the god of the sea.

Sea Minor is a Navigator, a boat designed by John Welsford. Her vital statistics are: overall length 4.5m (14ft 9in), beam 1.8m (5ft 10in) and design weight is 140kg (309lbs). You can read more about this design at

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Saturday, 7 January 2012

The Woodwork Is Almost Done

It has been a very sticky 2 days since the last entry. I have epoxy in my hair, on my skin and fingernails. The hair and skin isn't a problem because it wears away quickly but the fingernails seem to have to grow out and that's slow. And, before you start, I do wear latex gloves but it still seems to get on my fingers!

Two photos show that the woodwork is almost done. Here they are:

The brace at the aft end of the centreboard case is not glued in place yet. Once that is completed I intend to fit a rail either side of the case from bulkhead 2 (2 circular holes) across both seat tops to the rear of the case. I also have to close in the top of the centreboard case.

So, a bit more woodwork, some epoxy fillets to do, a lot of sanding and I can start painting.

1 comment:

  1. White vinegar cleans epoxy off hands and tools quite well.
