Sea Minor, a John Welsford Navigator.

This blog is about Sea Minor. I'm not sure about the name but that is what she was been called by the man who built her and changing a boat's name is a tricky business because you have to avoid upsetting Poseidon the god of the sea.

Sea Minor is a Navigator, a boat designed by John Welsford. Her vital statistics are: overall length 4.5m (14ft 9in), beam 1.8m (5ft 10in) and design weight is 140kg (309lbs). You can read more about this design at

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Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Forward Seat Compartment (continued)

Some progress since the last entry despite not being able to put in a full day's work. Today's interruption was a shopping expedition to buy boat building supplies, bandsaw blades, sanding sheets for various orbital sanders, etc. An apparent waste of time but it has to be done. Tomorrow will be better, no interruptions!

Here is today's photo:

What does it show:
Bulkhead 3 repaired (the front of the forward seat compartment).
The seat top is glued down, held in place with clamps and temporary screws until the glue sets.
The compartment is painted in side, 2 coats of high build water based epoxy undercoat and 2 coats of exterior grade enamel.
The mast partner (at deck level between the coamings) has a new front to support the edge. There was nothing there before, just the edge of the 6mm ply, now it has a 25mm thick laminated edging strip.

The structural work at the front of the boat is almost done. The next major job is to install the new centre board case but before that can be done I will cover the inside of the case with epoxy and fibreglass cloth. I'm not looking forward to the fibreglass job - it will be messy and I will end up wearing more than the usual amount of epoxy resin!

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