Sea Minor, a John Welsford Navigator.

This blog is about Sea Minor. I'm not sure about the name but that is what she was been called by the man who built her and changing a boat's name is a tricky business because you have to avoid upsetting Poseidon the god of the sea.

Sea Minor is a Navigator, a boat designed by John Welsford. Her vital statistics are: overall length 4.5m (14ft 9in), beam 1.8m (5ft 10in) and design weight is 140kg (309lbs). You can read more about this design at

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Thursday, 12 January 2012

Woodwork Done, Painting Begun.

The woodwork is essentially finished. Seat edges are all trimmed, the timbers running across the seat tops along the sides of the centreboard case are in place as is the fixed part of the centreboard case top. The rest of the case top will be screwed in place so it can be removed if/when I have to do something serious to the centreboard.

All the fillets have been done and so has a lot of sanding. In the photo below you can see that all the new timber has a coat of epoxy to seal it. The deck and coaming have been cleaned up and given a coat of undercoat. The sheer plank has its first coat of dark blue.

I won't be updating the blog as often while the painting progresses because it is hard to come up with interesting photos of paint drying!

PS, after posting the above it occured to me that a "before" photo might be interesting. Here is a photo from the start of this blog that shows the starting point. A lot has happened in the 3 weeks I have been working on the boat!

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