Sea Minor, a John Welsford Navigator.

This blog is about Sea Minor. I'm not sure about the name but that is what she was been called by the man who built her and changing a boat's name is a tricky business because you have to avoid upsetting Poseidon the god of the sea.

Sea Minor is a Navigator, a boat designed by John Welsford. Her vital statistics are: overall length 4.5m (14ft 9in), beam 1.8m (5ft 10in) and design weight is 140kg (309lbs). You can read more about this design at

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Thursday, 29 December 2011

Bulkhead 2 and Transom Stuff

Here's a photo of bulkhead 2 with the new ply glued in place. It needs some cosmetic work around the join once the temporary screws are removed. I took the opportunity, while the hole was open, to clean up the space behind bulkhead 2 and gave it a couple of coats of paint.

With bulkhead 2 in place I checked the position of the mast step and the mast hole in the deck. Both are further forward than they should be and their relative position is such that the mast will be closer to the vertical than designed. I will follow John Welsford's advice and put the mast where it should be.

The transom was damaged where the rudder pintles attached. The ply was cracked but probably still watertight. The photo below shows a new piece of ply glued to the inside of the transom below the seat. Also visible (just) is the new step for the mizzen mast; not visible are the new doublers,below the deck and seat, around the mizzen mast holes (there were none there).

I am replacing some of the stern seat and the frame work is in place to support the new ply.

I added a ply doubler over the damaged transom on the outside. Not very elegant but much stronger than the original.

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